Kabbalistic Healing

By Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz


What do the Jewish Sources, both the mystical and revealed ones, teach
us about the essence of healing?  We can probable sum it up in four

To rephrase this in the terminology that we have been using all Sumer,
its all about facilitating "the all of me flow".

When this full expression is blocked up, and the Divine influence is
not integrated directly, or through an internal source, or an external
source, then the lack of the healing flow rears its ugly face in any
number of ways; whether in body or soul, or any other construct or

With this understanding, we will present a Kabbalistic healing system
based on a three part formula: (a) direct Divine integration; (b)
Internal alignment; (c) External alignment.

              PART ONE  -  DIRECT DIVINE INTEGRATION ("I am G-d your Healer")

The first states, "….Ani Hashem Rofeicha"; "I am G-d your Healer"
(Shmot, Parsha Halach, Chapter 15, verse 26).

Our Sages in the Talmud discuss whether or not we can rely solely on
Hashem healing us without any human intervention.  Though the
conclusion of the discussion is that since we are not on the
transcendent level to be able to rely solely on G-d healing, we
therefore have PERMISSION to be healed by doctors and healers.

It is not that we truly believe that the doctors or the medical
technology is doing the healing; G-d is doing the healing.

The Baal Shem Tov teaches that to the extent that we can identify and
connect with G-d's presence inside of the pain, illness, darkness,
etc., the pain, illness and darkness will go away.

              PART TWO – INTERNAL BALACING; TIFFERET ("Rofei Cholei
Amo Yisrael")

The second part of the formula which enables flow, is taught to us by
the Arizal.  He teaches that the silent prayer benediction that our
Sages coin for healing corresponds to the Sefira of Tifferet (all of
the different blessings of the silent prayer correspond to one of the
Sefiras or Divine based character traits).

The connection between the Sefira Tifferet and healing can be
expressed as an internal balance or harmony.

Just as the Tifferet, which corresponds to the trunk of the body, is
the apex that bridges and connects that which is above the trunk with
that which is below, as well as bridging the right extremities of the
body such as the arms and legs with left extremities, this bridging
effect is the key to healing body and soul and all other entities.

When we refocus on our definition of healing as being "flow
facilitation", what then our Tifferet internal alignment prevents one
side of the body being more overloaded than the other side.

For example, with regard to a healthy holistic flow of character
traits, if a person is leaning too much to the right side, they will
be very benevolent in giving, but they will be lacking in the ability
to contain that benevolence.

Everyone will benefit whether they are deserving or not, and whether
it is harmful or not for the giver.  More left side traits are in
order at this point.  The Tifferet blanceing/harmonizing effect will
cause a resumption of fully functional and full capacity flow.


Here too, the Arizal teaches us how to facilitate maximal healing flow
and maximal self expression and actualization.  The action here though
is coming mainly from outside of ourselves as opposed to an internal
Sefirotic alignment or Tifferet based harmonizing that we discussed

Here we are opening up our receptive powers and sensitivities to
integrate the Divine messages of holistic flow being externally sent
to us constantly from our environment.

This whole amazing dynamic is otherwise known as the gathering of the
Holy Sparks.  Those same Sparks are the missing parts of our souls;
they are sent to us through the arousals and stimuli that we resonate
with when we are doing a process called "BIRUR" or selection.

When we decide or choose to go with one direction, strategy, decision
or choice, and to reject or filter out the undesirable other side or
option, that primal choice which we make at all times, whether in a
learning process or in life decisions, great or small, when fused with
the input with what G-g would have us to decide; that choice is
actually a little piece of our soul re-bonding itself to us.

The option that we rejected is the waste matter that would otherwise
stop up our flow and prevent ourselves from achieving our maximal

The more that we are aware, believe and are real with this whole
process, the more "SPARKS" we are sent from on high; quantitevly and
qualitatively with the utmost speed and impact does the whole process

In tandem with this soul selection process, is a body-sparks-selection process.

The body integrates that which builds it up and filters out
(ultimately through urination and defecation) the unwanted matter.
The more impactful the spiritual filtering process, the more impactful
will be the physical process as I and other full time Sparksers can
testify to.  The more that the selection process is brought all the
way down to a doing level with zero or minimal doubts or fuzziness,
the more complete will be our bodies digestion process.

The Arizal associates this whole Sparks-selection dynamic with
healing.   The same silent prayer (The Amida) benediction that we
previously mentioned, i.e. "….Blessed are you Hashem who heals the
sick people of Israel".

Here the teaching is hinted at, not Sefirotically, but through the
numerical value of the beginning letters of the benedictions words,
producing the word "RAPHACH"; an esoteric term or code word denoting



1.     B.S.M.S.


My contention is that just as instantly effective and universally
accepted the Aspirin pill is for the body, so too can this B.S.M.S.
Pill potentially do the job for our psyches.  The underlying principle
in all four components of the Pill (B.S.M.S.) is to let go and let
Hashem take care of it.  The translated verse states in Psalms,
Chapter 55, Verse 23; "Toss up to Hashem your burden, and He will take
care of you………".  Here are the components;

B         ----Bitachon --- trusting in Hashem that he will come
through you just       as he has done your entire life.

S          ----Sedona --- Whatever emotional and physical pain you
feel, identify it as being caused by your frustrated need to either
control the situation or to receive approval from the situation.  Then
simply toss up to Hashem that need for control or/and approval, and
let it go by turning it over to Him totally, and allow Him to take
care of your needs for control and approval. (This exercise done for
five minutes a day has remarkable transformative effects if done
consistently for a few months to give you peace of mind and many other

M        ----Mikveh --- Say to yourself that this painful problem that
you are dwelling on presently, is the best possible thing in the world
for you and the reason is; ………………….

S          ----Supernatural Solution ---- Work your way up to
maximally want a solution to your painful or sometimes nearly
impossible situation, and also maximally believe that Hashem can give
you the answer/solution right now.  Then close your eyes and wait for
that amazing solution to pop into your mind.

*********  B.S.M.S. super express version:

                      B:  He will come through for me as always

                      S:  I release to him my need for control
and/or approval

                      M: It's the best thing for me because ……………..

                      S:  His solution (that I maximally want and
believe in) is……….


Once you have identified where the darkness or the block to a healthy
psychic flow is located in your life and in your body (sometimes this
involves going into earlier life traumas or even previous life
traumas), then simply begin to turn yourself and your intention into
being a conduit for Infinite loving and nurturing healing Divine Light
energy.  Then direct a constant stream of light/energy to the effected
part.  Keep zapping as long as you can or as long as the person still
feels the need for more.  An entire group sending Divine Light to one
person or to each other is especially effective.


Collect all of the negativities in your life that come into your mind
into a big wax ball in your mind's eye.  Just keep adding more and
more little pieces of darkness, pain, confusion, hurt etc. to the wax
ball.  Then conjure up in your mind all of the various expressions of
Divine Love, Healing and Benevolence that you can think of (you can
use the B.S.M.S. strategies above).  Focus on the principle taught to
us by the Baal Shem Tov that teaches that to the extent that you
reveal Hashem inside the pain, the pain disappears.  With this thought
in mind, start zapping these various Divine expressions of Love, etc.
as if they are laser beams of light, into the darkness filled wax
ball.  Keep directing your laser beams until all the darkness turns
into pure light!


A.      The rest of these healing techniques.

B.      Shabbat meditations.

C.      Fusing the Shabbat meditations with the healing techniques to
create Shabbat Healing meditations.

D.      Tying it all together with an exploration into some type of
all encompassing, nuclear "Paradising my Life" formula.

4.    HELPLESS CRYING DVAIKUT (Clinging to Hashem)

While emoting as much a possible, both internally and externally
(crying, screaming, jumping up and down, moaning, etc, go over in your
mind, or orally, all of the events of one or more than one dilemma,
crisis or any other type of difficulty that you are facing.  Discuss
all the efforts that you have invested to try to solve your problem.
When you get to the point where you see that you have done all that
you can do, and that it is beyond your ability to solve the problem,
you've arrived at the helpless point.

Now is the time to reach your emotional crescendo and with a primal
scream to Hashem, call out "I CANT DO IT – PLEASE DO IT FOR ME

This exercise can be done very effectively and powerfully with an entire group.

Each person chooses their own private darkened corner of the room and
begins to emote.

Then they all come together after a designated time to help each other process.

Part 2 –



Here the basic principle is to offset or heal the weaker side or half
of a pair with a meshing or fusion of the stronger corresponding half.
Therefore focus on the weaker side of the pair (example:  the left
brain as opposed to the right brain, or fallen desires as opposed to
rectified ones, or a fear as opposed to a corresponding strength, or a
traumatic time in your life as opposed to a very self assured time).

Begin to draw down energetically the strength and power from the
stronger one of the pair and enmesh the two together until the weaker
side begins to feel stronger and reinforced.

If the situation involves two personalities, have the stronger of the
two reassure their weaker partner.

In a group situation have all the members of the group draw upon their
stronger side to heal the designated person's weaker side.


A dysfunctional part of yourself will definitely inhibit a free flow.

Liberating the dysfunction, or "turkey", reopens the channel for full
physic flow.

The healing principle and the name "turkey", comes from Rebbe
Nachman's story entitled "the Turkey Prince".

A prince, thinking he was a turkey, sat cockling and pecking his food
while he was totally naked underneath the table.

A wise sage eventually healed the turkey with the following steps:

a.     Radical non-judgmental acceptance of the turkey just as he is
(so much so, that the sage convinced this prince that he the sage, was
a turkey just like him).

b.     Take very slow, but deliberate "baby steps" towards bringing
the "turkey" to a complete recovery.

On the ground, when turkey healing, one has to make a very great
effort to lovingly embrace the person and their dysfunction (turkey)
just as they are.

This is the key to the healing process.

To the extent that the person feels your unconditional acceptance,
they will begin to heal.



This healing method is based on the idea that the body knows what the
soul needs in order to heal.

Sometimes the body overcompensates, and becomes very protective;  for
example, a person with chronic fatigue will only be able to function
minimally so that the person doesn't get abused, hurt or otherwise

We would tell the body that we will strike a deal with you and if you
release the person from their chronic fatigue, we will create a
strategy whereby the person will be safe from harm.  Therefore, do the

Choose any bodily ache, pain or illness.

Contemplate what this pain or illness is intent on protecting in your life.

Next, contemplate an alternative way to protect yourself other than the illness.

Speak to the bodily pain and convince it that you are taking over from
here and you won't need its services any more, but that you really
appreciate its services that its done to help.

The body won't always be so willing to listen, so you must be
consistent and persuasive.




Rav Oosher (Zatzal) over the years had countless people seeking his
healing help.

Most of them were very miserable and depressed.  They felt that they
were victims of people's manipulations and bad luck.  Rav Oosher
taught them to reframe their perspective and view life as a puppet

All of the bad fortune and abusive people in their lives are merely
G-d's puppets meant to direct them towards their rectification and
enlightenment.  The results of this reframed perspective were
breathtakingly astounding.

Here's what to do:

Identify a situation in your life where you feel that you are the
victim of bad people and bad fortune.

Bring into your mind an awareness that every aspect of these people
and this bad fortune is merely a display custom sent from on High in
order to direct you towards the next level of your growth.  Therefore
don't take personally what this person or circumstance is doing
against you – they are only puppets.

This technique is a consciousness – be patient.

It takes a long time to reap the maximum benefit from it.
Nevertheless, without a doubt, its got the power to transform your


The idea here is that there is a direct correlation between the events
of our lives and our Sefirotic health.

If one Sefira is out of wack, then that area of life will also be out
of wack;  for example:

If a person has chronic pain in their left leg, that points to some
disfunctionality in the HOD area of their life.  HOD corresponds to
the left leg.  HOD is the Sefirotic character trait that corresponds
to our capacity to enable others to do their best.  If this enabling
process is too strong or too weak, or is being abused by others, then
there is  a good chance that this person will suffer in a part of the
body that corresponds to HOD, such as the left leg.

Here's what to do:

Focus on a part of your body which is giving you trouble.

Identify the body part's Sefirotic correspondence.  (I understand that
many people don't have this knowledge.  In case you are interested,
please consult me regarding the Sefirot correspondence to your
effected body part.)

Now identify the corresponding Sefirotic aspect of your life.

Adjust this Sefirotic aspect of your life to be aligned and in balance
with all the other Sefirotic aspects of your life.


 The principle here is as follows:

A very large part of who we are, who we associate with, the challenges
which we go through, our stations in life, etc etc, are a direct
result of a trans-life perfection process.  What we didn't get right
in previous lifetimes is what we will be challenged with in this life.

The way to identify reincarnation based aspects of our life, is to
take inventory of the unique people and situations that we find
ourselves in.  Then view these people and situations as being the
direct result of what we have come into this life to rectify.

The healing process happens when we take action in the proper way in
response to these challenges which are thrown at us.

Here's what to do:

Identify a unique challenge that you find yourself in life.

View this challenge as being the result of a similar challenge that we
didn't quite get right in a previous life time.

Ask Hashem to enlighten you as to what you are meant to do in order to
get it right this time.  (This dialogue with Hashem can also be
enacted in a written manner.

Write to Hashem your question, and write what you think He will answer
back to you.)

Carry on in this way with all the different people and challenges in your life.


What follows is a number of Shabbat meditations and a short summary of
the Torah principles which they are based on.

All of these meditationsa are drawn from a series of Shabbat essays
taught by the previous Slonimer Rebbe (Zatzal) in the second volume of
his work Netivot Shalom.  The common thread running  through all of
his essays (and I have only chosen a select few) is consciousness …
the unique sublime Garden of Eden consciousness that we all can get a
taste of in this world with a concerted effort, and thereby sensitize
ourselves to a life of true paradise in this world and in the next

I hope that by practicing these meditations we can open up more and
more this sensitivity.

1.       ASCCENT MEDITATION (An introductory meditation or mindstate
which is the root of all the other meditations and mindstates).  The
Kabbalah teaches that starting on Friday afternoon and culminating
towards the end of Shabbat, there occurs "Aliyat Olamot" – "Ascent of
the Worlds".  The imagery presented to us is that of one world rising
or elevating against a backdrop of its present placement up to a realm
which is above any type of negativity whatsoever.  Practically
speaking, this can be experienced as an ever deepening state of
awareness of one's soul and the removal , layer after layer of all
that which separates it from the Master of the Universe.

**************** Focus on your present state of being, physically,
emotionally, spiritually etc.  See yourself now entering into a sort
of cosmic elevator which climbs incrementally from one floor of a tall
building to the next higher one to the next etc etc until it reaches
the top.

Every time that elevator climbs up a few floors, focus again on the
various aspects of your state of being, and allow yourself to
experience a pure and holy state of being, stripped of all pretence
and falseness and negativity that saturates you through and through
and allows you to experience your inner Devine self.

Allow more and more of this pure holy positive Divine energy to
saturate you more and more as the elevator climbs.

2.      THE RETROACTIVE FUSION MEDITATION.  When one is privileged to
experience a higher state of being, they feel as if all that they do
and accomplish, is not really them at all, but rather Hashem doing it
through them.  This is not only true of their present state of being,
but is also true with regard to whate they can recall of their past

***********************Focus on a list of the highlights of your
previous weeks – either based on a written one, or a stream of
thoughts recollection that you do in your mind right now.

First see every detail and feeling of your week's highlights or main
accomplishments as being that of your own doing.

Then reframe every aspect of every accomplishment as being infused,
enabled and empowered by The Master of the Universe.

3.      THE EVERYTHING IS PERFECT MEDITATION.  – Shabbat is a mindset
that is patterned after a future era when there will be nothing
lacking, not in people or in anything else.  All will be experienced
as being whole and perfect just as it is, and there will be no need to
recitify anything or anyone else including ourselves.

*******************Focus on seeing everyone in your life in their
perfected state;  first scan the people you know (start with one or
two and expand your list), and foresee or project what they will be
like when they eventually reach their state of perfection.

Then project how differently you will relate to them when you are
seeing them in this state.

Next see even their areas of lack as being stepping stones towards
their perfection.

Finally, in real life, relate to these people as if you already see
them in their perfected state.

Do the same entire process for yourself.

4.      THE PLEASURE (Oneg) MEDITATION.  -  Rebbe Shlomo of Karlin
Ob'm taught what he overheard being declared in the heavenly realms,
and extremely important lesson;  even if a person is very careful to
observe all of the positive and negative commandments of Shabbat in
all of their fine detail (and to properly observe these mitzvot in all
of their fine detail is of utmost importance, of utmost severity and
requires a huge investment of energy), but nevertheless do not make a
concerted effort in this life to feel or to experience at all the
sweetness and pleasure of the Shabbat, so too, when they get upstairs
in their post life eternal environment, they will not experience this
pleasure and will rather be like an unfeeling bench!  This is because
the atmosphere of the spiritual stratas are filled with only pleasure
and happiness, and if one doesn't condition oneself to this atmosphere
now, how will they be sensitized to it in the future?!

***************Focus on taking pleasure on:

THE PAST:        All the accomplishments that Hashem allowed you to
accomplish last week.

THE PRESENT:  All the physical delights of the day – eating, sleeping
breathing, colol air and other bodily pleasures as well as spiritual

THE FUTURE:    Ask that Hashem should surprise and delight you for the
remainder of the day.

5.      THE REBIRTH MEDITATION.  -  When we are plugged in to the true
energy of Shabbat, ie, being so much in Devakut in a fused clinging
state with Hashem that we know that anything we do or want that is
against Hashem's will is not really our will, but something external
to ourselves, then Shabbat provides us with a similar effect as that
of Yom Kippur – a cleansing, purifying atoning, rebirth effect.

***************Plug in to how Shabbat allows me to connect with my
true ratzon (primal will) and see that it is truly an extension of
G-d's will, and all that I do, or have done in the past that is not on
this pure Divine fused soul level, is not the real me, but something
external to me.

Now focus on how this mindset infuses me with a spiritual purity and
cleansing that ultimately enables me to feel like I am being reborn

Thus we complete all of the essays, modules and meditations.They are
lessons we have been learning over a period of the last three to four

They are different angles of how to live the life you love and a life
of paradise.

They are ways of ratzoning; " living the life I want and living the
life I love".

There is a way of drawing down the ratzon in "Hearing Your Inner Voice."

There is a way of expanding the ratzon by  "Infinitizing" it.

There is a way of sharing your ratzon; sharing the life you love with
other people; that's called "Paradising Relationships."

There is a way of allowing the ratzon to flo; that is called "Healing."

And there is a way of manifesting your ratzon; that is called "The Secret."


  Shalom and Blessings

                        THE OBLIGATION OF LOVING HASHEM

  1.  'You shall love the Lord your G-d with all your heart, all
your soul, and all your might' [Parsha Vaetchanan--- chap. 6, verse
  Our Sages learn from this verse that the level that we are
expected to reach in loving Hashem is very high indeed. We are to love
Hashem with all of higher Divine Soul as well as all of our lower
animalistic Soul. We are to love Hashem so much, that if we are forced
into a situation demanding us to give up our lives for Hashem, we
would gladly comply. We are to love Hashem so much that if we are
forced to give up all of our money for Him, we would gladly do so. We
are to love in Hashem in all situations and ordeals in life that He
chooses to lead us in. The Rambam [R. Moshe ben Maimon; Maimonides]
describes one of the highest levels of loving Hashem as being an
experience of being 'love-sick'. All you can think about all the time
in everything that you do is this love!

                     THE IMPACT OF LOVING HASHEM

  2.  The impact of this Divine love is a direct reflection of the
intensity of the obligation. The general rule regarding the impact of
all of our efforts directed in the service of Hashem is that they draw
down a reflective or mirror effect from on High. The words in the
Psalms 'Hashem Tzilcha' or 'Hashem is your shadow', are interpreted by
the Baal Shem Tov to mean that G-d is your mirror. Whatever we do down
here, G-d reflects it back to us. So if we walk through life with a
superhuman love of Him, He reciprocates and Providentially pervades
our lives with a corresponding extraordinary display of His Love.


  3.  The question that must be asked is how can anyone be commanded
to FEEL anything! The commentary of the 'Ohr Hachaim' ['The Light of
Life'] provides us with a beautiful answer. The very next verse [after
our essay's verse] states, 'You shall place these words...on your
hearts...' We are meant to utilize anything and everything that that
can open our hearts. For example, we should focus on how much Hashem
loves us and has come through for us consistently throughout our
lives. We will bring a fuller list in the Tools--section of this
essay, but the main point is to understand that we're not commanded to
FEEL the love of Hashem. Rather our Mitzvah is to do all we can to
open up the heart to feel this love.


  4. What we still need to ask however is how in the world can we
open the heart so much so,  that we can reach the extraordinary levels
described earlier. Part of the answer, we've already revealed; Our
obligation isn't the feeling, but the preparations needed to access
that feeling--What I'm trying to say is that we can only do our best
and the level of feeling we achieve is a gift from Above. In order to
give you an idea of what it means to do our best to open our hearts
[and minds for that matter], let me present to you a very brief
illustration of one who is unanimously considered to be the greatest
Kabbalist of the last 2000 years or so--the Holy Arizal [R. Yitzchak
Luria whose 'Yahrtzeit--day of death, about 470 years ago, falls this
week]. He stressed that he achieved what he achieved as a result of
trying harder than anyone in his generation. He sat on the banks of
the Nile River all week long, actively engaged in his concerted study
efforts nearly 24 hours of the day, for seven straight years! He was
always deep in contemplating and clarifying one or 2 sentences a week
of the classic kabbalistic work, the Zohar. G-d reciprocated measure
for measure and the rest is legendary. The Arizal was given the
angelic prophet Elijah to teach and reveal to him the mysteries of the
Torah and of the universe full time. He was able to see the secrets of
people's souls, their thoughts and their Tikunim [rectifications] any
time he wanted. He understood the spoken language of birds, plants,
rocks...etc..etc.. And all that is just a very small drop in the
bucket of what he revealed. And what he revealed is a drop in the
bucket of what he knew. The principle is clear, to the extent that you
invest a concerted effort to open up your heart or mind, to that
extent you will be Divinely bestowed with corresponding levels of an
open loving heart and a brilliant lucid mind!


of the best ways to do this type of contemplation is a way that was
used in an article by R. Arye Kaplan called 'If you were G-d'. Pretend
that you are G-d! You are given an island and your task is to bring
everyone on the island to a state of perfection. You are hidden and
evryone has free choice. Take the scenario as far as you like and
contemplate deeply all the insights you come up with. This type of
contemplation can bring you to a deep love and appreciation for G-d
and what He's constantly doing for us...

  b.  EMOTING-----Grab a private sound-proof corner where noone will
bother you and start emoting. Cry, scream, sing, dance, shout and do
anything else that will help to open up your emotions. Once opened up,
have a heart to heart talk with Hashem! As one person in our weekly
emoting group recently said, " Praying and talking to hashem from the
heart is a whole different level than doing it from the head."

nothing stronger to spark love of another, than when you feel their
love for you. One of many possible ways to do this is as follows;
When you're walking down the street [or perhaps just sitting at home],
start bringing to mind all the wonderful thigs G-d has and is [and
will be] doing for you at all times. Start with the most obvious ones
such as how G-d enables you to walk, talk, breathe etc.. and then
allow your mind to flow with all the other associated Divine gifts
that come to you. This may be written down and collected at the end of
a day, week or a longer period. In addition, you can learn from
authentic Jewish sources, all the manifold displays of love that G-d
shows us at all times....

  d.  CATALYZING EXTRAORDINARY LOVE----- As we discussed earlier,
this type of love is one that reflects the quality of effort invested
& the sky is the limit [literally]. First double up your efforts in A,
B and C above. Now ask g-d to saturate you at all times with feelings
and insights that focus on loving Him. Write down or take mental note
of all the Divine-sent flashes that come to you. Let it be His Will
that they will come in greater and greater quantity and quality until
you you will be a wellspring of Divine love---Amen!

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